The question stems from teaching~ I think learning how the student sees it changes how I teach. Some want concrete answers or “truths.” Some need metaphors in order to click.
I can look at this from both angles I feel like. To me the overall feeling of gloving is abstract to me. But the concepts, the moves, and the break down of them is more of a binary puzzle for my brain. I tend to think of concepts in the 1+1=2 type of way where all the pieces together form an abstract image.
That’s an interesting thought thinking of concepts 1+1=2. I feel like my brain thinks of concepts more in subtraction. 2-1… circle move minus, another component = X. Which is probably more attuned to breaking things apart.
It’s a trippy thought really. What if you multiplied, or divided? Hmm.
That is such a dope way to think about it. I never thought of it in the other senses of math. I have always looked at it as an additive art and not so much from the subtractive side.
That actually makes alot of sense on how you break stuff down when I am in a class with you.
I am not sure how to even start thinking about multiplying or dividing in gloving lmao I am still trying to wrap my head around it
Multiplication may be creating that same movement but in different orientations. Almost sort of like fractals. Imagine facing forward, then facing backward, sideward would be like x4 xD
I like to think of multiplication as two-dimensional (2-D) addition, and division as 2-D subtraction. In physics, multiplication normally adds a dimension, while division takes one away. Addition and subtraction are inherently linear (1-D) because the units/dimensions don’t change.
What does this have to do with gloving?
I don’t know yet, but I’d love to find out LOL.
“What does this have to do with gloving?
I don’t know yet, but I’d love to find out LOL.”
Gloving in a nutshell! xDD