What do you do for work?

I just started a new job as a sales manager for a large internet company (today was my second day!), and it got me thinking. I’d love to learn a little bit more about you guys as a community. What do you do for work?

I’m personally excited about the sales manager role because it’s my first time being a manager for a big company, and having my own team of up to 10 talented professionals! I’ve always enjoyed doing sales because of how closely it ties in with entrepreneurship. Now I get to combine that with another interest and passion of mine - leadership!


I teach gloving haha! For real though teaching gloving has always been a passion of mine even as a beginner. I’ve always had a knack at explaining things for people to understand.

Aside from that

Mainly wedding videography and I’ll do some photography on the side. Anything with a camera and editing software that’s pretty much been my whole life since I was in middle school. Idk though, been feeling pretty meh about this as of late.


I work as a server part time, and I am starting my full time job as a Lead Registered Behavioral Therapist at a daycare facility, working with children with ASD :slight_smile:


I’m a high school teacher. I’ve taught math for the last 10 years, computer science the last 2 years, and am starting Technology and Engineering this year. Students often catch me randomly wiggling my fingers :joy:


Very cool! @jocelyn and I love technology, computers, and engineering. One of our main passions :slight_smile:

Also, yes, the universal glovers’ experience of being caught finger wiggling :laughing:

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Congratulations on starting your full-time Behavioral Therapist role! Very good of you to help children with ASD, it’s a very important role :smiley:

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I work as a manager for a deli here in town. It gets pretty interesting working in the food business and seeing the in’s and out’s of what it takes to run a restaurant. Some customers might catch me practicing when I have some downtime and my coworkers think I have some pretty cool dance moves so there is that. Very cool seeing what everyone does for a living for sure.


That’s dope dude! Definitely interesting :smiley:

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I am a Carpenter. For those of you who don’t know what that is, I do anything and everything that involves carpets… Nah just messing around; Carpenters work with wood and build things. I’ve been a Carpenter for about 8 years now, and I work for one of the biggest construction companies in Hawaii, but you won’t see me working unless you have a federal job.
I mainly work in bases: so Pearl Harbor, Fort Shafter, Kaneohe Marine core base. I like my job, because I get to see the process of how buildings are made from the ground up. How we get to have running water, how we have electricity, all kinds of stuff you thought of but never really knew how it got there. It gives me a sense of accomplishment of the thought that I was a part of a team that created this facility that every person that sets foot in or uses it, is because we built it for them.
I’m not the kind of person that practices gloving in public, so my co-workers don’t know that I glove. We have to be using our hands all day at work, so it’s not that I don’t want to practice, it’s that I can’t. :sweat_smile:

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This is a good question

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